School Directory

Sedgefield Middle School Directory

Note: The School Directory is intended for individual communication of a personal nature; use for any other purpose is strictly prohibited.

Where can I find the School Directory?

The Sedgefield Middle School Directory is located on ParentSquare. From the ParentSquare homepage, click the drop down arrow beside the heading Explore on the left side of the screen and select Directory. To search for a specific student or family member, type the name in the Search field in the upper right corner of the screen.

What information is available?

The data in the School Directory comes from PowerSchool.  Generally, you will see the student name, grade, parent name, parent email and parent phone number. You will only see your student(s) that are enrolled at Sedgefield listed; students enrolled at other CMS facilities will not be displayed.

What if I don’t want my contact information displayed?

Families have the option to choose what information is displayed. Click the word visible or hidden beside the email and/or phone number to make a change.

Who should I contact if my information needs to be changed or is incorrect?

Contact Mrs. Mason if you need assistance. Please note that changes must first be made in PowerSchool and may take 24-48 hours to transfer to ParentSquare.